July/August F.A.R.M. Club Newsletter

Hello Everyone! Can you believe it’s August already? There is only one month until our show, and it will be here before you know it! We are starting to set up for the show on Sunday September 10th at 1:00pm. Any help would be appreciated.
Our Club picnic will be at 5pm following the set up. Please bring a side dish to share. Please  RSVP  Stephanie Rolke at 513-236-0854 (call or text) no later than September 3rd if you plan to attend. Our Club meeting will be at 6pm following the picnic.
The Tractor Trek was a huge success.  Thank you to all who participated to raise money for the charities.
For those of you that are sponsoring the show, or have sponsors, and still need to pay for your sponsorship, please make your check out to The FARM Club, and mail it to Dave Siebert at 694 West Pekin Rd., Lebanon, Ohio 45036 as soon as possible.

One of our Club members, Judy Ross, passed away in July. Please keep her husband Warner, in your prayers. Jean Brown, another Club member, is in the hospital undergoing test. Please keep Jean and Gerald in your prayers also.

Upcoming Events:

August 12th – Cardboard Boat Regatta, Oeders Lake, Tractor Display. Please arrive by 9am.
September 8th-10th- Corn Festival:  Tractor Pull  small weight class Sept. 8th at 6pm.  Larger weight classes Sept.9th at 11:45am.
September 10th –  Club show set up at 1pm    Club picnic 5pm (please bring a side dish to share)  Club meeting at 6pm.
September 26th-28th- Old Timers Day  Xenia

If you have any questions please contact one of our Directors

Jim Hurst: 513-623-4183 or 513-877-2765

Roger Walker: 513-256-5803 or wctractorguy@aol.com

Russ Rolke: 513-623-7562 or rcr@fuse.net

Dave Siebert, Treasurer: 937-603-4233 or davedenisesiebert@gmail.com

Regina Flynn, secretary: 513-266-7414 or Flynn_regina@yahoo.com


Club Secretary